Category: Updates

  • First Great Salt Lake Road Show announced in Brigham City

    First Great Salt Lake Road Show announced in Brigham City

    The Office of the Great Salt Lake Commissioner and the Great Salt Lake Advisory Council invite the public to an open forum where they can voice their concerns, ideas and questions about the Great Salt Lake. The Commissioner’s office plans to hold open forums in various parts of the state, with the first being held…

  • Kit Carson’s Cross receives recognition on National Register of Historic Places

    Kit Carson’s Cross receives recognition on National Register of Historic Places

    SALT LAKE CITY (May 30, 2024) – Kit Carson’s Cross, an iconic symbol that rests at the highest point of Fremont Island on the Great Salt Lake, has been added to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) by the National Park Service.   “The National Register of Historic Places is a powerful tool that allows…

  • New Great Salt Lake Sentinel Landscape announced

    New Great Salt Lake Sentinel Landscape announced

    SALT LAKE CITY (May 15, 2024) — The Great Salt Lake Sentinel Landscape has been formally designated as a critical initiative under the Sentinel Landscapes Partnership. Spanning over 2.7 million acres in northern Utah, this landscape includes key military installations and the largest saline lake in the Western Hemisphere. These areas are crucial not only…

  • Predict its rise, win a prize

    Predict its rise, win a prize

    Predict its rise and win a prize! Thanks to another stellar snowpack year, concerted conservation and strategic management efforts (including releasing water from Utah Lake and other reservoirs) Great Salt Lake is on the rise. How high do you think the south arm of the lake will rise before it starts to drop again due…

  • Work Plan for the Great Salt Lake Basin Integrated Plan Now Complete

    Work Plan for the Great Salt Lake Basin Integrated Plan Now Complete

    SALT LAKE CITY (April 15, 2024) – The Utah Division of Water Resources and the Bureau of Reclamation are pleased to announce the finalization of the Work Plan for the Great Salt Lake Basin Integrated Plan (GSLBIP), which charts the course for developing the GSLBIP. After a 65-day comment period, the initial draft Work Plan was updated in response…

  • Trust releases five-year strategy

    Trust releases five-year strategy

    The Great Salt Lake Watershed Enhancement Trust released its five-year strategy to secure more water for the Great Salt Lake. The plan works to guide the Trust’s operations and goals for the next five years. “The Trust has just finished its first year of operation and we look forward to working collaboratively with many others…

  • Phragmites burn on the Great Salt Lake

    Phragmites burn on the Great Salt Lake

    On Thursday, April 4, fire personnel from the Utah Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands attempted to burn 2,000 acres of invasive phragmites that had been previously treated with herbicide just outside of the Ogden Bay Wildlife Management Area on the Great Salt Lake. Due to unfavorable weather conditions that hindered fire activity, crews…

  • Great Salt Lake Advisory Council chair Don Leonard resigns

    Great Salt Lake Advisory Council chair Don Leonard resigns

    Don Leonard stepped down as chairman of the Great Salt Lake Advisory Council at the bimonthly meeting on Wednesday, March 13. The council expressed appreciation for his service by presenting a resolution of thanks. “Don has ably led GSLAC for 7 years with professionalism, insight, skill, and humor. He is always inclusive, fair, and highly…

  • FFSL and Compass Minerals Come Together to Protect Great Salt Lake

    FFSL and Compass Minerals Come Together to Protect Great Salt Lake

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FFSL and Compass Minerals Come Together to Protect Great Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY – The Utah Legislature passed HB453 Great Salt Lake Revisions, which directs the state water engineer to create a water distribution plan for the Great Salt Lake and establishes a severance tax for the lake’s minerals. The legislation also provides a…

  • Great Salt Lake Story Map Released

    Great Salt Lake Story Map Released

    In response to a recent request from the Great Salt Lake Strike Team, the Utah Division of Water Resources produced a dynamic new story map as an educational resource to define the processes that dictate the health of the Great Salt Lake. The surface elevation of the Great Salt Lake decreased to an all-time low…